How to maintain a good oral hygiene and keep a healthy mouth?
It is very important to be aware of how to maintain good oral hygiene practices in your daily life for you and your family. After a regime of excellent home oral care, your hygienist is your first stop in helping you keep your mouth in good shape and avoiding any oral hygiene problems. With good dental care, your teeth will last you a lifetime.
1/- Why do we need to see a hygienist?
Your dental hygienist will provide you with a professional cleaning – we recommend you do this every 6 months unless advised by your dental professional. Plaque that builds up in your mouth can turn to hard tartar and this can only be removed with specialist hygiene equipment.
Your hygienist can also provide you with relevant information about your oral practices and check for any irregularities in your mouth. Your bi-yearly visits will help in preventing any gum disease and in the end save you time and money that may be necessary if a serious problem occurs.
2/- What is the difference between a hygienist and a dentist
At Dr. Roze BioHealth Clinics you will often find your dental needs being managed by more than one dental professional. This is because each of the specialists you see is likely to have their own area of expertise. In seeing different specialists, you are receiving the highest level of care to help you on your way to excellent oral health.
- The main treatment you receive from a dental hygienist is preventative.
- They conduct oral assessment, review your dental history, along with your overall health, and evaluate the condition of your teeth, gums and mouth.
- They clean teeth, provide hydroxyapatite treatment when necessary and remove tartar build-up.
- If there are any problems, they will refer you to your dentist for a more in-depth consultation, diagnosis and treatment.
3/- What is oral hygiene and what is the important in my daily life?
Oral hygiene is the maintaining, cleaning and caring of your teeth, gums and mouth. It begins in your home with excellent brushing 2x per day and flossing once per day, as well as your 6-month professional cleanings.
It also includes the foods you eat that help to keep your mouth clean and free of problems. By practicing good oral hygiene and introducing your children to these methods early will help them with good habits that will be with them for their lives.
Having a healthy mouth means having a healthy self – your oral hygiene habits are a very important factor in maintaining your overall well-being.
Oral hygiene tips:
- Brush twice per day
- Clean between your teeth with floss and interdental brushes
- Visit your dentist for regular check-ups and professional cleaning
- Spit your hydroxyapatite toothpaste and mouthwash, don’t rinse
- Try to stick to eating at mealtime
- Drink ‘lots of water
- Protect your teeth during sports
4/- How to maintain good oral hygiene with braces.
You have opted for braces to make your teeth nice and straight and improve your smile. Now, you need to make sure you look after your teeth and gums while your wear your braces. If you do not remove the plaque that may build up on teeth (and is harder to get to when wearing braces) you risk cavities and you don’t want to damage your lovely new, straight teeth!
First of all, you will need:
- A toothbrush that is soft and small enough to reach around braces. Ask your dentist or orthodontist if you are not sure.
- Toothpaste and mouthwash with hydroxyapatite
- Dental floss and floss threader (and interdental brushes if required)
With braces, you should brush 5x per day: in the morning, after each meal and before bed. You will also need to floss 1x per day with the special floss threaders or anytime you feel food may be trapped in your teeth and braces. Use mouthwash frequently to rinse away food particles and visit your hygienist regularly for a deeper clean.
After your session of braces, with excellent oral hygiene, your teeth will not only be straight, but beautiful, shiny and cavity-free as well!
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