Our team of experts will listen to your needs, evaluate your condition from every angle to provide you with the very best treatment plan for you.
The Right Answers

Many adults find biological dentistry through looking for answers to long-term health problems – problems that were “unsolvable” because no physician ever thought to look at or ask about potential oral obstacles to healing. And often, their discovery of biological dentistry sets them on a journey of embracing a holistic, natural approach to health for their whole family, as well.
It is especially important for children as a child’s development may be hindered by everything from chemicals in our foods to unnecessary medications. That is why holistic medicine and dentistry has become such an important aspect of pediatric care today. After all, their bodies and minds are still developing.
At Dr Roze biohealth, we take a whole-body approach to dental wellness and development. We believe in “do no harm” as a philosophy, which means we will avoid introducing toxic substance to your child’s body. Once we’ve identified a problem, it is then our goal to find the least traumatic and invasive approach to healing while utilizing the latest technology.
Pediatric dentists are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teen years. They have the experience and qualifications to care for a child’s teeth, gums, and mouth throughout the various stages of childhood.
Children begin to get their baby teeth during the first 6 months of life. By age 6 or 7 years, they start to lose their first set of teeth, which eventually are replaced by secondary, permanent teeth.
Without proper dental care, children face possible oral decay and disease that can cause a lifetime of pain and complications. Today, early childhood dental caries—an infectious disease—is 5 times more common in children than asthma and 7 times more common than hay fever.
Our Pediatric dentists have completed at least:
Four years of dental school
Two additional years of residency training in dentistry for infants, children, teens, and children with special needs
Our Pediatric dentists provide comprehensive oral health care that includes the following:
- Infant oral health exams, which include risk assessment for caries in mother and child
- Preventive dental care including cleaning and hydroxyapatite treatments, as well as nutrition and diet recommendations
- Habit counseling (for example, pacifier use and thumb sucking)
- Early assessment and treatment for straightening teeth and correcting an improper bite (orthodontics)
- Repair of tooth cavities or defects
- Diagnosis of oral conditions associated with diseases such as diabetes, congenital heart defect, asthma, hay fever, and attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
- Management of gum diseases and conditions including ulcers, short frenulae, mucoceles, and pediatric periodontal disease
- Care for dental injuries (for example, fractured, displaced, or knocked-out teeth)
No more than ever, you have undeniably become aware of the importance of preserving your health capital and the essence of a body and mind balance, with a growing focus on health prevention, wellbeing, organic food and energy level.Experience a piece of our own world and receive every month delighting news from our doctors, patients, nurses , friends from the fields of nutrition, sport or lifestyle.