Biological Dentistry : The talk of the town

Bio dentistry





The American Dental Association defines Dentistry as: The evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment (nonsurgical, surgical or related procedures) of diseases, disorders and/or conditions of the oral cavity, maxillofacial area and/or the adjacent and associated structures and their impact on the human body. “

Biological Dentistry is the grist for the gossip mill of this day and age. Many clinics jump into the bandwagon and promote theirs as “Biological”. So to give you an idea of what is a “ Biological Clinic” looks like. Here are some essential things for you to check out:


1/- Diagnostic Procedures, Tools, Digital X-Rays and CBCT

You might probably ask “X-RAY?!” Yes, Biological dentists still take x-rays. Dental x-ray is a great diagnostic tool that would aid your dentist to see things in your mouth on a deeper level that can’t be seen by their naked eye. It is also essential in the process of planning especially the CBCT to achieve a predictable result.

Also, biological clinic only use digital x-rays which gives 70% less exposure to radiation than the traditional counterpart. In addition, a dose of Liposomal vitamin C is given prior to exposure as it combats the effects of free radicals from the radiation.

Safe Amalgam removal-dr-roze

2/- Safe Mercury, Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART) Protocol

Research shows that dental mercury amalgam exposes dental professionals, staff and patients to mercury vapor and particles.

Given this scientific fact, the IAOMT developed a strict safety procedure for removal of dental amalgam filling including the use of the following:

  • amalgam collecting container,
  • high volume air filtration system,
  • slurry of charcoal and chlorella to rinse or swallow before and after the procedure,
  • protective gowns and headcovers for the dentist, nurse, and patient,
  • respiratory grade mask for the dentist and nurse,
  • nitrile gloves and rubber dam,
  • and lastly an oxygen delivered via nasal mask to be utilized by the patient.
Chlorella Cilantro

3/- Detoxification

This is very important but not solely after the removal of an amalgam filling. There are a lot of natural detoxifiers exist on the planet, but the common detoxifiers in bio-dentistry are chlorella, activated charcoal, pectin, sulfur, and cilantro. Chlorella works by binding mercury in the intestine thus eliminating it in the stools. Pectin binds also with mercury but its excreted through urine. Cilantro is another detoxifier that binds with mercury. It works by pulling out mercury in the brain, organs, and connective tissue. However, it can’t remove mercury through excretion so this should be used together with chlorella or pectin. Failure to combine cilantro in either of those two may result in mercury re-uptake and further toxicity.


4/- Advanced Platelet Rich Fibrin (APRF) and Plasma Rich In Growth Factors (PRGF)

In 1997, PRP was first introduced in Dentistry specifically in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Learning the regenerative potential of Platelet in oral surgery, new bio-surgical additive was developed in 2001 by Choukron et al. One of the latest innovation in oral surgery are the APRF and PRGF, both contain concentrated growth factors; which acts as bioactive surgical additive that are applied locally to induce faster wound healing. On a cellular level, these two are responsible for increasing collagen production, cellular mitosis, blood vessel growth and recruitment of other cells to migrate in the site of injury.


5/- No metals, biocompatible materials (Ceramic crown, inlay, composite resin filling and Ceramic implant). 

Bio-dentistry means metal-free dentistry. By this definition, when performing any bio-dental treatments, there are no metals; only ceramics and any other natural materials are used. Focusing on this revolutionary development in dentistry the “Ceramic Implant”. Comparing to its conventional counterpart, the literature showed that the ceramic implant is ideal in terms of biocompatibility, osseointegration, and aesthetics.

ceramic implants

6/- Natural Supplementation (Vitamin D and C)

In physiology, vitamin D is a well-known regulator in the musculoskeletal health through calcium absorption and mineral homeostasis. Scientific facts shows that Vitamin D deficiency may place patients into low mineral bone density. Vitamin D supplementation helps your dentist to achieve a favorable dense bone that is ideal for periodontal health and implant osseointegration success.
As for vitamin c, it has the osteoblast activating and osteoclast suppressing activity same to that in vitamin D3. It, therefore, supports bone building and prevent bone loss.

In addition, vitamin c also has a very strong detoxifying and anti-inflammatory capability that aids the construction of collagen and connective tissues. To sum it all, both Vitamin C and D play a very important role in the periodontal health of a person.
And in Bio-dentistry, we stressed the connection between periodontal health to the rest of the body. Pathogens in the oral cavity affect distant sites and organs, thus affects the overall health. So by keeping your mouth healthy, we are also keeping your body healthy.

vitamin D

7/- Ozone therapy

The adjunctive use of antibiotic or various antibiotics have been the conventional methods for Periodontal therapy. In bio-dentistry, antibiotic therapy is discouraged. Periodontal researchers looking for alternatives and this where the emergence of Ozone therapy took place. Ozone gas has a higher oxidation potential and is 1.5 times greater than chloride as an antimicrobial agent against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa. In addition, Ozone not only works as an antimicrobial agent; but also it has unique properties to stimulate blood circulation and the immune response. Such features justify its place in bio-dentistry. On the other hand, it has some contraindication and you need to make sure that your dentist is qualified enough to know and perform such treatment.

Biological dentistry is on the rise now and a lot of clinics are claiming that they are. If you are convinced that biological dentistry is for you, make sure to do some research and keep in mind these key points.

Biological dentist


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