Biodentistry dubai

Biological Dentistry : The talk of the town

BIOLOGICAL DENTISTRY : THE TALK OF THE TOWN GUIDE IN FINDING THE REAL BIOLOGICAL CLINIC JAY-L ESCUADRA FOR DR.ROZE BIOHEALTH CLINICS | 16.05.2022 The American Dental Association defines Dentistry as: “The evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment (nonsurgical, surgical or related procedures) of diseases, disorders and/or conditions of the oral cavity, maxillofacial area and/or the adjacent…

Biological dentist dubai

What is a Biological Dentist?

WHAT IS A BIOLOGICAL DENTIST? FOR DR.ROZE BIOHEALTH CLINICS | MONDAY May 02nd, 2022 Biological dentistry is an alternative approach that focuses on the use of non-toxic restorative materials for dental work, and emphasizes the unrecognized impact that dental toxins and dental infections may have on a person’s overall health. Biodentistry takes into consideration a person’s overall…


What is Biological Dentistry?

WHAT IS BIOLOGICAL DENTISTRY? FOR DR.ROZE BIOHEALTH CLINICS | WEDNESDAY April 06th, 2022 Biological dentistry is the practice of diagnosing, preventing, treating, and maintaining oral health using natural therapies. A biological dentist assesses a patient’s entire state of physical and emotional health before deciding on treatments. A biological dentist understands that the mouth and body…