Healthy Snacks For Your Kid’s Teeth
Resistance to this twice-daily routine can lead to significant stress and set back a child’s oral health.
Baby Teeth Dr Roze Biodental Clinic
Resistance to this twice-daily routine can lead to significant stress and set back a child’s oral health.
Resistance to this twice-daily routine can lead to significant stress and set back a child’s oral health.
As a parent, seeing your child in pain is one of the most challenging experiences you can face.
Teething can be a challenging phase for both parents and babies, marked by discomfort and irritability.
Baby new teeth to permanent teeth – Your baby’s primary teeth, also called baby teeth, begin to loosen and fall out around the age of six.
Shark teeth are when the new permanent ( or adult) tooth grows in before the baby (or milk) tooth becomes wobbly and falls out.
If you think your baby’s toothless smile is cute, just wait until their first few teeth make an appearance.