Biological versus traditional Dental Cleaning

Biological Cleaning

Biological versus traditional Dental Cleaning


A traditional cleaning will remove tartar, plaque and stains from the surface of the teeth and around the gums. A biological cleaning will do the same, however also goes further by removing bacteria we cannot see – it naturally disinfects.

What is a teeth cleaning?

A teeth cleaning is a routine dental treatment that everyone should get regularly to maintain excellent dental health. This treatment is done to improve and maintain dental hygiene. Besides being able to prevent certain oral health issues, teeth cleanings are also essential to maintaining good overall physical health, not just oral health. Good dental hygiene is an absolutely essential aspect of personal health.

We’ve all been told that eating unhealthy foods, such as sugary sweets or junk foods, can lead to tooth decay and dental issues over time. And although this is true, did you realize that keeping a healthy diet is only part of keeping up on good oral hygiene? Regular teeth cleanings are just as important as showering when it comes to taking care of your mouth. The teeth cleaning treatment removes bacteria, plaque, and tartar buildup in the mouth to leave you with a fresh, sparkling smile!


What to expect from a traditional dental cleaning?

Getting your teeth cleaned at Dr.Roze BioHealth Clinics is something you should schedule regularly. You should plan to visit our specialists at least twice a year. During the dental appointment, you can expect to experience the following for a traditional dental cleaning:

  • Your dental hygienist will examine your head and neck to make sure that your jaw and lymph nodes appear normal and healthy. This is necessary to ensure that your jaw is healthy and that there aren’t any external irregularities that need to be looked into further. At this time, your dental hygienist may also do an x-ray of your mouth.
  • Next, the dental hygienist will ask you to do a quick rinse of your mouth and then will begin an examination of the inside of your mouth. At this time, your dental hygienist will check for broken fillings, cavities, cracked teeth, early signs of oral cancer, and signs of gum disease among other important things. They will use a special mirror to see into all the corners of your mouth.
  • Finally, the cleaning begins. Your dental hygienist will use a series of special tools to remove the plaque and tartar buildup from the surface of and from in between your teeth. Professional flossing may also be performed at this point, and your teeth are also likely to be polished to avoid excessive buildup in the future. At the end of the cleaning (and at certain points during), you will be able to spit and remove extra saliva from your mouth as necessary.
  • When the cleaning is completed, your dentist will review with you any possible improvements that you could make to your oral hygiene routine, and they will share with you if they found any cavities or other issues that need to be attended to in a different appointment.


Why do we need to clean our teeth?

Regular dental cleanings are one of the most important things that you can do to take care of your teeth. At Dr.Roze BioHealth Clinics, we believe that keeping your teeth clean by visiting the dentist regularly is an excellent way to not only increase your self-esteem by making sure that your pearly whites are bright and shiny, but also a great way to make sure that your entire body is healthy and feeling great. Here are some additional reasons why teeth cleanings are extremely important:

  • Prevents gum disease – Getting a teeth cleaning on a regular basis can prevent this common oral affliction. Gum disease can not only lead to bad breath and sensitive gums, but it can even lead to bleeding and receding gums if left untreated for too long.
  • Minimizes bad breath – If you struggle with bad breath, taking the time to book a routine teeth cleaning may help you clear up the problem. Regular teeth cleanings prevent bad breath and can give your mouth a fresher taste.
    Early oral cancer detection – At every teeth cleaning, your dentist will check your mouth for any potential signs of oral cancer (among other issues). Early detection is key to curing oral cancer in time, so keeping up on your teeth cleanings can make all the difference in prevention.
  • Lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes – Good oral hygiene has been linked to a healthier cardiovascular system as well as a lower risk of diabetes and other similar illnesses. Although it seems surprising, your mouth is the key to good general health!
  • Reduces risk of cavities – Cavities are caused by bacteria, and bacterial buildup is more likely when a lot of plaque and tartar is present on your teeth. When you go into your routine teeth cleaning, the plaque, tartar, and bad bacteria are removed, thus minimizing your chances of getting any cavities in the future!
  • Offers an opportunity to check for a bad bite or TMJ – Dental cleaning appointments are a good time to check-in and make sure that everything looks healthy and functional. Thus, if you have any problems with your jaw, your dentist will be sure to notice earlier rather than later and will be able to help you solve the problem more effectively.


What is the difference between a biological cleaning and a conventional dental cleaning?

  • A traditional cleaning will remove tartar, plaque and stain from the surface of the teeth and around the gums. A biological cleaning will do the same, however also goes further by removing bacteria we cannot see – it naturally disinfects.
  • A way to think of it is to picture a countertop with crumbs on it: a traditional cleaning will remove the “crumbs”, however there is still bacteria left behind that we cannot see.
  • A biological cleaning will clean the “crumbs” and also remove more bacteria by naturally disinfecting
  • A biological cleaning will clean the “crumbs” and also remove more bacteria by naturally disinfecting. Disinfection by Ozone can penetrate inside the tooth and prevent cavities. Ozone removes bacteria, fungi and viruses from the mouth.
    When disinfecting, it important to note that both good and bad bacteria is removed. We provide oral probiotics with specific good oral strains to replenish the level of good bacteria in the mouth.
  • There are also other differences between the traditional cleaning and a biological cleaning. A biological cleaning uses products that are fluoride free to remineralize the teeth (make the teeth stronger and less prone to acidic erosion- ie; cavities).
  • We also provide a blood test with the biological cleaning, testing Vitamin D levels, LDL (bad cholesterol), and a complete blood count. The reason for providing this blood count is that it is factually known that oral health effects overall health, and vice versa. By taking a blood test we can see if there are underlying reasons for any oral health concerns you may be having. The blood test will be reviewed by our Medical Doctor and the results will be sent to you via email.


What are the advantages of a biological dental cleaning?

1 – Blood Tests for Vit. D, LDL and CBC (complete blood count)
We run this tests because we believe that oral health plays a major role in our overall health and vice versa. Low levels of vitamin D can lead to low calcium levels in the blood and bones.
High levels of LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) plays a big part on gum health, decreasing gum recovery and increasing gum infections. CBC will give us an overall idea of the patient health and how some values can affect oral health stability, healing and maintenance.

2 – Hydrogen Peroxide pre-rinse for 20-30 secs
Hydrogen Peroxide is water (H2O) with an extra oxygen molecule (H2O2). It is an agent with disinfectant, antiviral and anti-bacterial activities. Upon rinsing and gargling, hydrogen peroxide produces free radicals which leads to oxidative damage to the pathogens cells. This may inactivate and destroy the pathogens and prevent spreading of infection

3 – Oral Screening and BPE (Basic Periodontal Exam)
This clinical exam allow us to check the overall condition of your teeth and gums. The BPE is a quick exam that show us the health of your gums, helping to detect gum problems such Gingivitis or Periodontitis.

4 – Plaque and Biofilm Disclosure
The disclosure solution is an organic ink that will show us and the patient 3 different types of biofilm/plaque by disclosing 3 different colors:
Light pink: biofilm that is present on patient’s teeth for less than 48h.
Purple: biofilm that is present for over 48 hours (the areas that are missed during home care cleaning)
Light/Fluorescence blue: biofilm/plaque that is present for over 48 hours rich in acids that cause teeth decay and gum problems.
By highlighting the plaque/biofilm, we can then show to patients the areas that they are missing during their daily oral care and by the end of the visit, we are 100% sure that all plaque has been removed and properly clean, because patients will leave with no traces of disclosure agent.

5 – Oral Hygiene Instructions
Based on the screening of the teeth, gums and the disclosure solution results, we will design a costume made plan of daily oral care, adjusted to the patient needs, to help improving their current condition.

6 – GBT – Guided Biofilm Therapy – EMS Airflow, Scale and Polish (1st and final pumice to polish – no fluoride and no chemicals)

7 – Ozone Gingival Therapy
Ozone is a powerful disinfectant, it works destructively against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Has the ability to control bleeding and to cleanse wounds in bones and soft tissues.
By increasing the local supply of oxygen to the wound area, ozone can improve and speed up healing.

8 – Dental Conditioner with Bio Activated Hydroxyapatite on soft tray (2 mins).
Hydroxyapatite (HA) is the main component of the enamel and one of the building blocks that make up your dentin and cementum. This naturally occurring mineral gives your teeth and bones their hard and strong quality.
Hydroxyapatite can help protect your teeth outer layer, prevent demineralization, and rebuild tooth enamel. It can also help to reduce tooth sensitivity, periodontitis, oral bacteria and plaque.

9 – 14 days of Dentasan Oral Health Probiotic (1 stick a day under the tongue)
Probiotics are healthy bacteria that helps to prevent plaque, fight bad breath, prevent oral cancer, manage symptoms of gingivitis and decrease inflammation from gum disease.
After your teeth and gums are clean and disinfected, we will boost your good oral bacteria by giving you this supplement to take for 14 days.


You have undeniably aware of the importance of preserving your health and the essence of a body and mind balance. The growing emphasis on well-being, organic foods and our energies are hot topics in today’s health field. Let us help you keep up-to-date with news from doctors, patients, nurses and nutrition, sports and lifestyle specialists.


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