Ozone Therapy Why is it a great biodental treatment

Ozone dental therapy drroze

OZONE THERAPY : Why is it a great biodental treatment?


The administration of ozone was proposed because of its antimicrobial, disinfectant, biocompatibility and healing properties. In the last decade more treatments with ozone have been developed to address common dental infections associated with gum disease and tooth decay with the proper usage of ozone therapy in biological dentistry, ozone therapy offer more effective care and considerably cut down the time and cost of the treatment.

1/- What is Ozone dental therapy?

Ozone dental therapy is a biological dental treatment that significantly reduces the presence of oral bacteria. It is minimally invasive and works to halt the development of tooth decay which is done by eradicating the bacteria that damage tooth enamel that causes the decay.

With ozone dental therapy, the damaging bacteria that break down tooth enamel are eradicated by altering the oral environment. In the gaseous or liquid phase, ozone has shown to be a powerful and reliable anti-microbial agent against bacteria, fungi and viruses.

At Dr. Roze BioHealth, we have found that ozone therapy has many benefits that fit the model of biological dentistry:

  • It can be used to treat early tooth decay and gum disease
  • Patients experience no discomfort during treatment
  • Eliminates the need for drills or invasive procedures
  • Helps to minimise patient anxiety
  • It is very safe and an ideal option for young children
  • Allows the opportunity for the tooth to re-mineralise and become strong again.

Ozone therapy has effectively been used for several dental treatments that we offer at Dr. Roze BioHealth Clinics:

  • Tooth sensitivity – we have found it to be a successful treatment for patients who suffer from ensitivity, resulting in fewer issues with cold and hot sensations after treatment.
  • Gum disease – ozone therapy’s ability to ward off bacteria has proven to be highly beneficial.
  • Root canal treatment – we use ozone therapy to sterilise the canal to reduce the risk of infection and the need for further treatment.

2/- Can Ozone Dental Therapy actually repair cavities?

Ozone dental therapy has been very successful in treating minor to medium levels of tooth decay.

  • When ozone is exposed to cavities it reacts with the bacteria and acid present.
  • Not only does it kill the bacteria, but it also changes the bacteria’s habitat.
  • The bacteria that cause tooth decay love acidity and thrive in it.
  • Ozone reacts with the acid, actually adjusting the pH of the mouth so that it is at a neutral level.
  • Once this pH is balanced, the bacteria no longer have a suitable environment to survive and are gone for longer than if just the bacteria were eliminated. This change in environment allows for good bacteria to come in, which actually consumes bacteria associated with tooth decay and gum disease.

However, if you are experiencing severe tooth decay, the advancement of the decay and bacteria may be too rigorous and a filling may be required. It is best to take preventative action with your teeth.

3/- Is Ozone Dental Therapy safe?

Ozone therapy is a treatment that has actually been used for decades for the treatment of many diseases and the eradication of bacteria. It is completely natural and free from any side effects that can be caused by medications or invasive treatments. As it is simply a gas, the therapy is completely safe and can help maintain a healthy mouth.

4/- Is Ozone Therapy painful?

  • Ozone therapy does not involve any drilling or injections, so it is painless! It is a non-invasive therapy for treating early signs of tooth decay and gum disease and used for both children and adults alike. We find is especially effective for patients who are nervous at the dentist but want to keep their mouth healthy and cavity free.
  • One of the more notable benefits of ozone therapy is recovery time as it is minimally invasive. And since there is no drilling, topical numbing treatments or pain medications, you won’t feel tired and groggy – you will simply return to your daily routine as soon as your treatment is finished

5/- How is Ozone Dental Therapy adminstrated?

Our dental ozone therapy system creates a free-flow of ozone that is delivered to teeth and gums. It is used with our normal high-speed suction to get rid of the any overflow of ozone. The tooth, gum area or even root canals and deep gum pockets will be bathed in the ozone gas for the required exposure time, depending on the amount of infection.

6/- What is the action of Ozone Dental Therapy?

Ozone is capable of killing the known types of most positive and negative bacteria, including some that are extremely resistant antibiotics. The effect on bacteria by ozone is by damaging the cell membrane and contents. The action is selective to microbial cells and does not damage human body cells. The discovery of the effects of ozone therapy have had a significant impact as it acts not only to kill bacteria, but to stimulate blood circulation and activate the immune system as well.

7/- How does Dental Ozone Therapy works to repair a cavity?

If the cavity is at the early stages, ozone therapy can act to heal it. Following the ozone treatment, mineral-rich solutions soaked into the teeth can help to re-mineralise the area, thus hardening and reversing the effects of decay. Multiple ozone treatments over time may be required to improve the chances of the tooth healing.
If the tooth decay is more severe, ozone therapy will not work to re-grow the entire decayed area. But with small areas, ozone therapy can be effective in the re-growth process.
But we must stress that however effective and powerful ozone therapy is at helping to re-mineralise a tooth, it is very important to keep your regular oral health routine maintained. You need to brush, floss, eat/drink well and visit the dentist for regular cleanings to keep teeth healthy!

8/- What else can Ozone be used for?

Ozone has also been used to comfortably eliminate canker sores and cold sores in the early stages. The affects are immediate and have been very effective.
Also ozonated water and oils can be mixed with water and/or plant extracts to use as a mouth rinse to treat mouth infections, promote healthy gum tissue and accelerate surgical healing.

Ozone therapy has a wide range of uses in biological dentistry. New treatments are advancing in the use of ozone to whiten teeth instead of using bleaches. And entire mouth ozone therapy sessions are being further developed for controlling gum disease, reducing cavities and reducing infection and inflammation. It is changing the way dentists fix teeth and aiding the biological dental field to maintain our oral health in so many important ways.

At Dr.Roze BioHealth Clinics, we are committed to providing patients with the latest biological technologies and methods to maintain excellent oral health and offer natural and conservative treatments in oral hygiene. If you require preventative or restorative treatment, ozone dental therapy is one way on this path of functional dental health.

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