...a functional and interdisciplinary approach to the human body.
The pioneering practice of Biohealth is preventative, proactive,
less invasive and more efficient.
With his revolutionary approach to medicine, known as Biohealth, Dr.David Roze has collaborated with leading experts across a multitude of medical fields to combine their extraordinary skills. The resulting Biohealth therapy plans and protocols pave the way for a new future of wellbeing and lifelong health.
- The all-in-one concept is designed to eliminate all of the inflammatory components that a patient may be exposed to.
- This way, the patient is able to reach peak immunity, the overall health benefits of the treatment are maximised and the healing process is sped up.
- Valuable time and resources are saved.
- Online consultation with a specialist if the patient is living abroad. A picture and a panoramic x-ray are required.
- On-site consultation with a biological dentist to identify and evaluate any areas of inflammation or infection. This is based on a clinical and radiographic assessment via a 3D CT-scan (a shot of liposomal Vitamin C will be administered to fight the free radicals).
- Preparation of the immune boost with a specialist doctor (this involves checking LDL, Vitamin D3 and glucose levels, prescribing the infusion, evaluating the correct time to boost the immune system and prescribing a diet for optimal results).
- Biological oral hygiene with a biological hygienist (this includes decontaminating the gum with ozone, evaluating and offering the right probiotics, adapted individualised toothpaste and toothbrush).
- Post treatment care and financing carried out by a dedicated patient coordinator serving as a single point of contact for all needs.
We start with the SMART protocol. This involves 8 layers of protection to ensure the biological doctor safely removes all mercury amalgam and replaces it with biocompatible non-metallic material.
Prior to surgery, all infected teeth, root canal treated teeth, metal core, metal posts and metal implants are removed from the mouth. Any NICO (neuralgia inducing cavitational osteonecrosis) will also be treated.
A decontamination with ozone (natural gas) will penetrate the bone to ensure the bacteria is eliminated while increasing the blood flow and enhancing bone cell performance.
We use ceramic implants (biocompatible, bioinert, 100% metal-free) to restore chewing-capacity with excellent gum adaptation in the long term. White implants also improve the aesthetic, avoiding the black shadow associated with metallic implants.
- Eliminate chronic mouth infections and the negative effects they have on the weakest organs of the body (please refer to the meridian dental chart)
- Eliminate Rantes (Regulated on Activation, Normal T Cell Expressed and Secreted) from the mouth and the negative effects it produces on the rest of the body.
- Eliminate the antenna factor associated with metallic posts. Mobile phones have been known to increase the temperature of the bone around titanium implants.
- Eliminate galvanic currents (Patients often mention sensitivity from teeth that are dead, or mention metallic taste while eating. This is due to the electric current – “battery effect” – between metallic elements in the mouth in the presence of saliva).
- Eliminate corrosion in the mouth caused by mercury amalgam and all the chronic inflammatory effects it can have on the rest of the body. Corrosion leads ultimately to bacteria leakage in the teeth increasing the risk of pulpitis.
- Decrease the neurodegenerative effect from mercury into the patient’s nerve cells.
For more information on our Biohealth All-In-One concept and treatment programme, please contact our dedicated team who are on hand to answer any questions.
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