DR HUBERT DE GRULLY- Amalgam Fillings and Smart Protocol



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DOB : May, the 2nd
Place of Birth : France
Occupation : Cosmetic & Biological Dentist

Why is mercury so dangerous for us ? Why should we remove it ?

The thing is that we don’t see the mercury vapor. So of course, it’s difficult to feel and realize the risks and the dangers of the mercury. But when you do your own research about it, you will see that mercury is the most toxic metal on Earth. And there is a phenomenon called the bioaccumulation. So when the mercury goes into the body, and in the sense that it goes into the cells, it goes through the membrane of the cells. And then the body has some difficulty to get rid of this heavy metal. So it’s damaging the cells basically. And it can damage everything in the body, it can get stucked in any organs, even the brain, even for the for pregnant women, it goes through the placenta. So even the baby can be intoxified with Mercury.


What is SMART protocol?

So the smart protocol is a way to remove the mercury fillings safely for the patient, the dentist and the nurse. So smart means safe mercury amalgam removal technique. Basically, the plan using a SMART protocol is to protect everyone from contamination and exposure to mercury, vapors of mercury and also particles of mercury

the traditional way of removing mercury fillings is just drilling it out without any protection, placing another material instead. The SMART protocol is a mutual protection technique, let’s say. So, we basically protect the patient to avoid him to inhale some particles and vapors. So we protect his nose with the oxygen mask. So he will have a constant oxygen flow during the procedure. And we insulate the tooth with rubberdam.

So we protect his nose with the oxygen mask. So he will have a constant oxygen flow during the procedure. And we insulate the tooth with rubberdam. So the patient will not swollen one pieces of mercury. So we also use IQ vacuum system so the patient doesn’t inhale the vapors. The doctor has also a specific mask with specific features for heavy metals and also stools below everyone to be protected from the mercury contamination. There is a lot of tools and tricks used at the same time to guarantee an optimum protection. And it is really efficient. When you start using this protocol, you cannot go back without it.


So you remove the amalgam fillings and then you replace them with composite fillings ?

So there is different alternative to mercury fillings. So first of all, the main difference of mercury fillings is of course the toxicity. It’s also the color because it is black so it’s not nice looking. And it’s also because it’s not bonding into the tooth, it’s just maintaining inside the tooth by just mechanical retention. It’s known to break the teeth to create fractures. So for these other reasons, it’s better to switch to other materials and nowadays we have beautiful materials. The best one is the ceramic one because it’s competently biocompatible resistant mechanically. So this is the best material nowadays. We have alternative with composite resin fillings, but  they contain some components known to be allergenic. Even  in my experience, I never saw any allergic reaction, at least locally. But we know that it can create potentially some allergies. So, we have a full range of bio biocompatible composites. So the  best is to remove the array generic components and replace them by less allergenic components. We have composite fillings but the best material remains the ceramic.


Is this something you’re doing daily ? Can you remove the amalgam fillings following the SMART Protocol and the replacing them the same day with biocompatible ceramic fillings ?

Yes of course, when we have to remove mercury fillings, we always use a smart protocol, we give the option to the patients for the type of fillings that we’re going to use. Yes, it can be done on the same day, because we’re using the digital technology to restore the teeth. So it means we can, if if the patient wants ceramic, which is the best material, we can do it immediately after the SMART protocol  because we have this digital workflow with the digital camera and the CT Scan. We design the restoration chairside and can make immediate ceramic fillings  because we have the in house lab, so everything can be done in house, homemade. It takes a little bit more time compared to a traditional appointment, but it’s definitely worth it. Especially for the patient involved with us  because we’re controlling all the process from A to Z.


How does it take to remove a filling under a Smart Protocol ? Does it depend on how many fillings you have in your mouth ?

Yes, it depends on how many fillings but also of the complexity of the filling itself. So basically I can give you a rough idea of the timeframe for regular filling, it will take more or less 40 minutes per tooth, let’s say. So if you have two fillings to do, usually that takes a session of one and a half. Because we also need to set the room, it takes time to set up the IQ machine to set up the rubber dam to set up the oxygen bottles. So yes it’s usually never less than one and a half. And we usually walk by quadrant. So we have four credentials, the mouse, the pride top left, lower right, lower left…


So if I have four amalgam fillings in each quadrant, you can do it all together ?

Yes, usually it’s better to work as a quadrant because we have to do anyway local anesthesia. And because we use a rubber dam it makes the process easier if we work quadrant by quadrant.


Do I need to prepare anything if I am looking for a Smart Protocol ? Is there something I should prepare myself for ? Do I need to take anything in advance , any supplement ?

I don’t recommend any chelation or gentle detoxification prior to a Smart Protocol. I think it’s always better to remove alternatively from the mouth first the fillings and then to proceed with a detoxification under specific products carefully prescribed by your naturopath.

To detoxify your body from heavy metals you have to use some products which are able to bound together the mercury particles. And then you will clean your body from mercury using your natural elimination pathways.

So usually we will give one month’s treatment of chlorella. But the best is to be followed by a specialists for this. So we have specialist, Dr. Rose, who can take care of the patients for this. But usually I don’t recommend to start the detoxification before the treatments . It is s better to me to remove the mercury first and then follow a detoxification.