DR. Roze, along with the academically oriented minds of his team, always researchs the most healthy and scientific approach to heal, protect and preserve the whole body.Constantly challenging themselves in a permanent quest of improvement and perfection, DR. ROZE Wellness Clinics are renowned as Referral Clinics and IAOMT Ambassadors.
The True Essence Of Authenticity

The team at Dr. Roze Clinics have been trained at the institution in Switzerland and hold IAOMT accreditation from the USA. Each specialist has been officially named IAOMT Ambassadors who will go forth and teach the biodentistry approach and techniques throughout the Middle East.
SMART certification signifies that our dentists have completed the IAOMTs educational programme on rigourous protocols for removing existing dental mercury amalgam.
A clinical referral is a transfer of a patient’s care from one clinician to another and is a vital document in enabling them to communicate and work together to provide the most appropriate procedures in each speciality. The patient receives the right healthcare service with the right information at the right time on their road to complete wellness.
The journey a patient takes from diagnosis to treatment can be a long one if the specialists are not talking to one another. We work to ensure that there is complete transparency and the patient receives the best care with the best team in place.

Biological dental research is the field of dental scientists who are committed to developing more natural methods and techniques to improve global dental health practices that have less impact on the body as well as the environment. It is where the hard work and knowledge of people in the fields of dentistry, life sciences, biosciences, biomanufacturing, and biotechnology come together to offer new holistic approaches to oral healthcare.
Biological dentistry relates to the entire person as a whole and how one’s oral health can affect the entire body. It is also the belief that patients should be provided with all of the information that they require to make their own choices in the treatments that affect their personal health and wellness. With this in mind, we at Dr. Roze & Associates are committed to providing you with a much scientific information that you want and/or need to make educated decisions about your oral care.
Below you will find research, reports, information and data from those dedicated to the innovation of biological research and supporting sustainable and holistic dental practices. If there is anything else you require or would like us to help you with, please do not hesitate to ask.
A number of studies show that researchers, research funders, regulators, sponsors and publishers of research fail to use earlier research when preparing to start, fund, regulate, sponsor or publish the results of new studies. To embark on research without systematically reviewing the evidence of what is already known, particularly when the research involves people or animals, is unethical, unscientific, and wasteful.
Therefore, we have chosen to focus the concept of EBR on ensuring valuable research.
Our answers to the many challenges:
- Use scientific methods to evaluate performance of research
- Use scientific methods to improve the way research is conducted
- Use scientific methods to monitor research practice over time
We promote the following to achieve these aims:
- the use of a systematic and transparent approach when justifying and designing a new study
- the use of a systematic and transparent approach when placing new results in the context of existing evidence
- more efficient production, updating and dissemination of systematic reviews

- Our goal at Dr.ROZE Wellness Clinics is to be leaders in our fields and to provide patient with the best care supported by latest scientific evidence.
- To do so we created the scientific committee se we can discuss each trimester new topics with the team.
- Our aim is to select our materials and methods to produce our own protocols, based on available studies, patient’s preferences and our clinical experience.
- The idea developed around biological procedures as the field is relatively new in dentistry. However, all topics will be considered ( cosmetics, root canals, digital dentistry…)
For our meetings and scientific discussions, we will select articles and discuss ideas according to the criteria as follows:
- Articles must be selected by a reliable source of scientific evidence, such as PubMed, Cochrane.
- Articles preferably to be selected from the date 2005 onwards;
- Preference for systematic reviews/meta-analyses and randomized clinical studies, according with the highest levels of evidence found at the top of the pyramid.
- Trimester meetings to be discussed with the team and/or members outside DRA; Specific topics to be voted for every meeting within the DRA’s team;
- Focus in evidence based articles for Biological Dentistry if possible, as we are leaders in that field in the UAE. Our goal is to improve and establish protocols for Biological Dentistry.
- Important articles to be shared within the group and kept in the clinical’s file in every room, so patients can also benefit from the information, if requested.
- We encourage our team members to request via email to the scientific committee specific topics/articles that are from their interest to be discussed within the monthly meetings; Every team member should be involved in the selection of topics, articles in his/her own fields.

- Every 3 months
- With the team and/or outside DRWC intervenant
- Important articles to be shared with the group and kept in the clinical’s file in every room, so patients can also benefit from the information if requested.
- Requested / proposed per email each trimester
- Specific topics to be voted for every meeting within the DRWC’s team
- Focus on biological dentistry if possible, as we are leaders in that field in the UAE. But other topics are welcome.
No more than ever, you have undeniably become aware of the importance of preserving your health capital and the essence of a body and mind balance, with a growing focus on health prevention, wellbeing, organic food and energy level.Experience a piece of our own world and receive every month delighting news from our doctors, patients, nurses , friends from the fields of nutrition, sport or lifestyle.