Immune Boost
The adjunctive use of antibiotics or various antibiotics have been the conventional methods for periodontal therapy and prophylaxis for surgery. In biodentistry, antibiotic therapy is discouraged. Not only because there is a tendency for the development of antibiotic resistance.
Moreover, patients usually feel weak, and suffer from diarrhea and vomiting, since the normal gut floras are destroyed.
In Biodentistry, we strengthen your immune system and prepare your body to optimize tissue regeneration, thus helping in avoiding treatment failure and speeding up the healing process. Any dental or jaw surgery puts our body into a stressful state. To make sure that our patients can compensate for the stress caused by surgery. We ensure that their body is fully equipped with the right nutrients and nutrition.
Why Vitamin D matters so much in Biodentistry?
The importance of vitamin D has been reported several times in dentistry.
- The importance of vitamin D has been reported several times in dentistry.
- Gingivitis/periodontitis
- Vitamin D inhibits the growth and virulence factor gene expression of the periodontal pathogenic bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis
- Vitamin D inhibits the growth and virulence factor gene expression of the periodontal pathogenic bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis
Why is Vitamin C so important in Biodentistry?
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system.This water soluble vitamin has several important functions. These include:
- Helping to protect cells and keeping them healthy
- Maintaining healthy skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage <-> Supporting periodontal health
- Helping with wound healing
- Contributes to collagen synthesis which is an important protein for providing tooth structure, support and maintenance
- Prevents the formation of plaque leading to tartar on the teeth
Vitamin C is not only good for your teeth; it’s an excellent vitamin for gums, too. Vitamin C helps keep the connective tissues in your gums healthy and strong, which hold your teeth in place—which means deficiencies can lead to bleeding gums and gum disease.
Magnesium is essential for many biological processes that occur in the body. Besides the calcium absorption, magnesium activates over 300 reactions in the body and it is responsible to maintain proper muscle relaxation, helps stabilize the rhythm of the heart and prevents abnormal blood clothing. It activated many of the B vitamins, which without magnesium are not as effective.
Why is Magnesium so important in Biodentistry?
- Magnesium deficiency and teeth decay:
- No matter how much calcium we take, without magnesium only soft enamel can be formed.
- If too soft the enamel will lack sufficient resistance to the acids and bacteria and will be prone to decay.
- As in the building of teeth, magnesium is required for calcium to be properly incorporated in the structure of the teeth.
- Magnesium deficiency is associated with periodontal (gum) disease.
- Periodontal or gum disease is an inflammation of the jaw bone supporting and keeping the teeth stability.
- Untreated gum disease can lead to teeth mobility and even losing them. Magnesium is crucial for jaw bonehealth and is necessary to activate Vitamin D, which turns on the calcium building process.
IV Infusions
Renowned for IV Nutrient Therapy, our bespoke infusions, branded as a RevitalifeDrip®, are aimed at boosting your immune system, rejuvenation, prevention and long-term wellbeing. RevitalifeDrip® infusions are a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
Intravenous (IV) Therapy RevitalifeDrip offers the absolute solution to nutrition and absorption problems of oral administration
It is a method of feeding vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other therapeutic substances directly into the bloodstream, in order to correct and optimize intracellular nutrient deficiencies and maximize absorption. IVT allows immediate absorption of nutrients and therapeutic substances at accurate doses and provides immediate effect at a cellular level.